Diamond Event Center
1480 Pearl Road
Brunswick, Ohio
$50 per person
Reservations Required
Winning trivia team members will each receive a commemorative 2019 Old School Trivia Night Champion t-shirt, an engraved paver with their team name placed along the pathway to the new historical society building, and Brunswick trivia bragging rights, of course.
Download the form below, fill it out and mail it in with your check. Or pay on-line and then click the button to fill out the entry form on-line.
How much of my $50 reservation goes to the Old School Project?
Half of your reservation donation goes toward saving the doorways of Edwards Middle School, one of the
classrooms, and of course toward the construction of the new building. This $25 donation to the
Brunswick Area Historical Society is tax deductible. The remaining $25 pays for your dinner.
Do I have to be on a team?
No. We have some folks who do not wish to play trivia. They want to attend the event, have fun, play the
raffles and just observe.
Does a team have to have 8 members?
No. Your team can be just you. Your team can also consist of you and your significant other or BFFs.
Can I pay by check?
Yes. Just complete the reservation form and send it with your check for $50 per person
Can I pay online?
YES. Click the link right below.
Call (330) 441-0292 or email brunswickareahistory@gmail.com for information.
Trivia Reservation Form (pdf)