Inspire people to discover the Brunswick experience by maintaining and renewing the Heritage Farm and by exploring, collecting, recording, preserving, and sharing the ever-expanding history of the Brunswick Area, in the Western Reserve, county of Medina, state of Ohio.
Be a relevant partner with the City of Brunswick Ohio and surrounding area, community members and organizations in collecting, preserving, and sharing the history of the Brunswick area.
Integrity: We are honest, accurate and transparent in every aspect of our operation via meticulous oversight, record keeping and availability of written and digital records. We contract vetted outside advice to assist with decision making. We abide by a code of ethics.
Stewardship: We are committed to financial and structural stability, assuming safe custody, proper care and honoring the ever-expanding history housed at Heritage Farm, presented by digital means or through offsite displays.
Passion: We seek out and foster excitement in, dedication to and education about the roots, experience, and artifacts from past and present community members.
Collaboration: We are committed to partnering with the City of Brunswick and surrounding area including organizations, community members and professionals to attain our mission.
Innovation: We seek out and support new ideas, ventures, and methods to maintain relevance of our mission in the Brunswick area community.