- 10/31/2021 - Special person receives special award - 11/26/2019 - Groundbreaking for new building. - 3/29/2019 - City Amends Heritage Farm lease and new building approved.
Medina Gazette - 5/20/2018 - Dandelion Drive: Traveling Through History - 5/21/2018 - It was a beautiful day for a journey in time: Medina County Dandelion Drive
There was a lot to celebrate on the morning of November 25th as we broke ground for the new building. Read the article here:
On Oct. 8th, 2019, Carl Bilski (on the left in the picture), president of the Brunswick Area Historical Society, accepted a check for $10,000 from Ken Cleveland, whose foundation donated the money toward the new building.
Thanks to Engelke Construction Services, with many Brunswick alumni on staff, who have taken over project management. Mike Vrsansky is our Project Manager.
The donation above and the state grant received through the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission have allowed us to get the project started. But we still need to raise more money to cover the remainder of the costs including utility setup fees, finishing the interior and more. Continue below for past fund raisers and on the main page for current activities.
The event was held at the Diamond Event Center, 1480 Pearl Rd in Brunswick. The event was a great success and puts us a lot closer to our goal for the new building! Many thanks to Judy Galo and her team for all their hard work in the planning and execution of this event.
Click here to read the article from the Brunswick Sun about the event!
We were recently asked by the Longmeadow Historical Society if we had any information on a resident who had come to Brunswick from Longmeadow. We were able to fill in some blanks and this article was the result. Glad we could help!
On July 2nd, the bell tower was lifted into position in it's permanent position at Heritage Farms. The steel pillars will be covered with the engraved bricks from Visintainer and Edwards schools that have been purchased by patrons. You can still get your engraved brick by following the instructions above.
Click this link for an article on with all the information and more pictures. (Note: subscription required to view at this time)